Garden City teen seriously injured in hit and run

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"She is kind of slurring her words and her eyes are droopy," said Maureen Longsdorf. "It was very scary."

This is how the mom of 14-year-old Persephone discovered her daughter in the hospital Monday afternoon. 

"When I walked in she was in a neck brace and bleeding out of her face. I'm like she is not okay," said Longsdorf.

The collision happened when the teen was waking a friend home from school around 3:30 Monday crossing at the crosswalk. Police say the van was making a left turn from Marquette Street to Merriman and hit her.

"She was flipped up over, and rolled over the hood of the vehicle and then landed on the ground," said Longsdorf.

Witnesses told Garden City police the vehicle was a work van that looked white or beige with tinted windows.
Police say the driver, described as a man in his mid-40s to 50s with salt and pepper hair pulled back on a pony tail and a beard. Investigators also say the driver and his passenger of that van initially got out to check on the girl - but then left. 

"She has a concussion she has a few stitches in her face," Longsdorf said. "She is wearing a knee brace and has road rash on her face."

As she recovers at home, her family and police are hoping to find that driver. 

"We are just hoping that someone comes forward," her mom said. "And does the right thing."

Anyone with information on who might be responsible should call Garden City police at (734) 793-1700.