Man found shot to death between homes on Detroit's west side

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Detroit police are still working to identify a man who was found dead between two homes on the city's west side Tuesday.

Police said the man was found dead on Vaughn Street Tuesday afternoon and had been shot to death. 

Police aren't releasing many details but we do know the victim is a black man in his 30 and he was shot multiple times.

"We are still in the investigation process as soon as," Assistant Chief Arnold Williams said.

Donna Harris says she came upon the scene Tuesday afternoon.

"I saw police cars and wondered what's going on down there," she said. "It's very alarming."

Her nephew, Ronald, was coming by to check on his aunt when he learned there was a murder just a block away from her home.

Donna works at Grace Community Church in the neighborhood and says she's not used to seeing this around here. She says as far as she knows, neighbors keep a close eye on each other. Still, she's very shaken about what happened in her neighborhood.

Police are still trying to identify the man and figure out who killed him. Anyone with information is asked to call police.