Michigan colleges talk plans for pandemic's impact on fall classes

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, college students like Wayne State University sophomore Victoria Pilut wonder what their fall semester will look like. She says switching to online classes last semester was stressful but necessary to keep everyone safe.

"My parents don't want me to be downtown if classes are online but the apartment building wants me to sign a lease, so we are in a sticky situation right now," she said.

In a statement Wayne State University says in part, "Our absolute preference is to welcome our students and faculty physically back to campus this fall. We are preparing alternative plans if necessary. This will most likely be a combination of online and classroom instruction, the balance of which will be determined by our focus on safety and the operative orders and guidance."

Other universities FOX 2 spoke with, are also planning ahead. Eastern Michigan University says it is modeling scenarios including in-person, online classes and a combination of the two.

"Probably no more big lectures, we will have to think about how we adjust to our residence hall environment," said Walter Kraft, VP of communications, EMU. "Two students sharing a suite may not be the right thing going forward."

FOX 2 also caught up with Oakland University President Ora Pescovitz where she gave us her thoughts about the fall semester.

"I am ready to tell them we will have some that will be remote learning and some that will be face to face," she said.

Pescovitz says it is too soon to tell what classes will be online or face to face. She says they will take extra precautions for the ones that do meet in person. and big sporting events probably won’t happen right away.

"We will be having social distancing, I think it's possible students will be wearing masks I think that's to be anticipated," she said. "And we will be looking at testing for COVID-19."