HAP donates $75K, donates coats for kids to Detroit's Mason Academy

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HAP donates coats for kids at Detroit's Mason Academy

There are children in our community who are struggling, from lack of food, and even clothing. For some, school is the place they go to have those basic needs met.

There are children in our community who are struggling, from lack of food, and even clothing.

For some, school is the place they go to have those basic needs met.

Health Alliance Plan is returning for a second year to Mason Academy - an elementary and middle school in Detroit with another donation of $75,000 - and coats for the kids.

It is all an effort to make sure students have what they need, to go to school.

"It's cold - you need a coat - so having a coat would make them want to come to school - cuz they have a warm coat," said Juan Thomas, student council, Mason Academy.

"It's really something they have a lot of pride in being able to pick out their own coat," said Margaret Anderson, HAP. "Having something warm and then we have some other kind of goodies that go along with it - so it's a great day for us - we're really happy to be here and to support the Detroit Public Schools."

It is support that comes in other ways as well - HAP also donated a washer and dryer - because kids don't want to come to school if they don't have clean clothes.

"The teachers are so wonderful," Anderson said. "They were actually taking children's clothes home at their own houses and doing their wash for them so being able to have the washers and dryers here at the school has been a huge help for the students and staff

And for families - who may need detergent - HAP donated plenty of that as well.

"There are times when they actually have families come in and use the facilities here for their own home clothes," Anderson said.

It is a community effort - as Covid dollars dry up and inflation hits families - when businesses step in to help. It goes a long way toward getting students to school, and on their way to a successful future.

"I'm happy to be here because we have some of the best scholars in the district hand down," said Adrian Johnson, Mason Academy principal. ."I  know everyday you show up - you surprise me with the wonderful things that you do."