Detroit area women get 'plantation group' texts, among wave of racist messages nationwide
DETROIT (FOX 2) - Multiple women in the Detroit area contacted FOX 2 this week after getting racist and harmful texts telling them they have been selected to ‘pick cotton at the nearest plantation’.
FOX 2 first received a call from a Detroit area woman we're identifying only by her first name of Renee on Wednesday night around 9:50 p.m. Renee contacted FOX 2 after getting the message about an hour earlier that said she was chosen to pick cotton and to be ready at 10 a.m.
"Good afternoon Renee! You have been chosen to pick cotton at your nearest plantation. Be ready at 10am with all of your personal items & possessions because you will never see them again.
We will pick you up in a white bus. You will be checked for drugs & other substances! Once you make it here you will be brought to your designed area. You are in group 10B".
Renee wasn't the only who contacted FOX 2. Just 10 minutes later, another woman sent a text from a different number that was similar in nature.
"Greetings You have been selected to pick cotton at the nearest plantation. Be ready at 12AM NOVEMBER 13 SHARP with your belongings. Our Executive Slaves will come get you in a Brown Van, be prepared to be searched down once you've entered the plantation. You are in Plantation Group D."

Women across the country are receiving texts telling them they have been selected to pick cotton.
Both messages were received on Wednesday, the day after the election.
But we've also learned that Detroit area women are not the only ones to receive these awful texts. FOX 5 Atlanta reported women receiving similar messages including some about a potential threat from white supremacists and KKK members.
According to 13 News Now in Norfolk, Virginia, numerous individuals in Virginia have received similar messages. Additionally, Black college students at the University of Alabama and Clemson University in South Carolina have reported receiving these messages, according to
Racist texts sent to Black Detroiters days after election
A racist text message detailing plantations and picking cotton were sent to two Detroit area women just days after election.
At this time, it is unknown who is sending the text messages or why they are doing it.
Some users on believe that Russia may be behind the text messages in an effort to turn American citizens against each other and divide the country.
The Source: FOX 2 Detroit used information from FOX 5 Atlanta as well as the messages provided to us by the women.