Family of motorcyclist, 20, in police car collision grieves his death

A 20-year-old motorcyclist lost his life in a crash and now the question is who's at fault. 

James Bush collided with a St. Clair Shores police patrol car as it performed a traffic stop on another vehicle Wednesday night. 

It happened around 9:30 p.m. on Eight Mile Road, east of Beaconsfield.

Less than an hour later doctors at a nearby hospital pronounced Bush dead.

His cousin, Robert Champagne, is still in shock over his sudden death.

"It's so surreal because of the age," he said. 
"He's a great guy," said Steve Balconi, his uncle. "He's a great guy. (He had a) big heart, you know. He would do anything for you. You'd ask him and he'd be there in a heart beat." 
Balconi said his nephew was an only child but did not grow up like one
"He's nine months younger than my youngest daughter," he said. "And they grew up together they were like brother and sister all the way.
"I watched him from the day he was born to graduating high school."
Bush graduated from St. Clair Shores Lake Shore High School in 2013.

He was on the verge of joining the Air National Guard, an accomplished football player and and at 6 feet 3 inches and more than 250 pounds - a gentle giant.
 "Whenever he came over to visit there was no relaxing for James," said Champagne. "He would have two of my children climbing all over him, but he never once said no."
St. Clair Shores police released a statement saying: 

"Our city grieves for the family and their tragic loss of a loved one. We cannot undo the tragedy but we can promise a full and complete investigation into the circumstances surrounding the crash."

"Right now, there's a lot of why's," said Champagne. "Why him, we're all wondering what actually happened. We hope we actually get the truth."

Michigan State Police is handling the investigation. 

The family of James Bush  is raising money to help cover funeral costs. If you would like to donate, go to