Henry Ford Health System Drug Disposal

Do you know how to dispose of prescription medication? 
Not knowing can hurt you, someone you love and the environment!
Henry Ford Health System has takeback bins that provide a safe solution for disposing of old prescription medication.  Please note some drugs are NOT accepted.  For a full list go to this website: https://www.henryford.com/visitors/taking-medications-safely/disposing-of-medicine 

Drug bins do NOT accept: 

  • Some controlled substances, including pain, anxiety or hyperactivity medicines. They may need to be taken to a special location. Information for areas in southeast Michigan can be found at county health departments.  Find more information here: https://www.henryford.com/visitors/taking-medications-safely/disposing-of-medicine 
  • Needles, inhalers, aerosol cans, thermometers, lotions and liquids
  • Chemotherapy medicines. While there normally shouldn't be left over, follow these instructions if there is: 

Disposing of chemotherapy medicines: 

  1. DO NOT flush down the toilet or sink. 
  2. Call your county’s Public Health Department for instructions for disposal. 
  3. If unable to call public health department, please bring your extra oral chemotherapy to next appointment in your hematology/oncology clinic. 

Proper disposal saves lives, period. While some drugs can be disposed of in the garbage, say wrapped in coffee grounds (never crushed) others can be flushed. But it takes time to find out what's safe and what's not.  Keeping drugs when no longer needed should never be an option.

Henry Ford Health System asks you to please dispose of them in a drug takeback bin near you and avoid drugs ending up in the wrong hands possibly poisoning a child. Even one dose can sicken or be fatal at any age. Opioid addicts - part of a dire health epidemic - seek out unused painkillers and target homes that may keep them.  Other reasons for proper disposal? Expired medication may no longer be effective or make a patient sick or sicker - and when thrown in the garbage or into sewers, drugs wind up in landfills and waterways

To find a Henry Ford takeback bin near you and to learn what drugs are accepted, call 1-800-436-7936 or visit this link:  https://www.henryford.com/visitors/taking-medications-safely/disposing-of-medicine