Reward offered for info on serial cat killer in Hazel Park

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The reward to help catch a cat killer is going up to help solve the disturbing crime.

It has been weeks since dead cats started turning up in Hazel Park.

Police are investigating an animal cruelty case involving five cats found beaten death between late September and early October. Some of the animals were owned by residents and others were strays.

Investigators say the cats died from blunt force trauma.

The five cats were found dead along East George Avenue right off John R in Hazel Park. If you live in this area, you may have gotten one of the flyers offering a reward for information on the cat killer.

The Ferndale Cat Shelter and Crime Stoppers have partnered to offer a $2,000 dollar reward to help find and arrest whoever is responsible.

Mary Whisker owns two dogs, and she's keeping a close on them, knowing that cat killer is on the loose.

"That's just plan cruelty. It's not an accident, that's for sure," she said "I don't think anyone would try my dogs because they're not very friendly critters. But we have a lot of small kids in this neighborhood, and you worry it's going to go up the ladder, you know."

The cat shelter which houses between 40 to 60 cats originally started the reward at $1,000, but then Crime Stoppers stepped in to match that amount.

Benjamin Long from the cat shelter, is alarmed that someone would treat an animal this way.

"If the cats were bothering them, there are so many organizations out there," Long said. "Mine included, that would come pick them up, take them in and find them permanent homes. And our fear is this person will do it again or graduate to larger crimes."

So until the cat killer is caught, this neighborhood will be on the lookout.

"So you keep your doors locked more than you would normally," Whisker said. "That's my concern."

Anyone with information on this case, should call the hazel park police department (248) 542-6161.