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Let's Watch Together

CNS Healthcare hosts Suicide Prevention Event CNS Healthcare is sponsoring a summer virtual conversation series to help and encourage families to learn to talk, listen, and prevent suicide. "Let's Watch Together" uses movies as a tool to bond, spark difficult but necessary conversations and to promote open dialogue among families for the purpose of identifying and addressing mental health needs. CNS is offering a list of suggested (but not endorsed) movie selections and free movie gift bags that include a movie gift certificate, support materials, and discussion guide. The goal is to encourage families to watch some of these movies in order to expand current thoughts and opinions on mental illness and mental health. Participating is as simple as 1, 2, 3: Step one: Pick up your free movie bags (see attached jpg) for your family. These bags include a discussion guide, self-care master plan booklet, movie treats, and a gift card to allow you to rent one of the movies on Amazon. FREE Movie Bags to the first 300 families. Pick up a bag drive-through style on June 30 11am-2pm or July 13 11am-2pm at 20303 Kelly Road, Detroit OR 24230 Karim BLVD, Novi OR 279 Summit Drive, Waterford. If you cannot make those dates, stop by at one of the above offices anytime between June 30-July 20 and see our front desk staff for your free bag. Step two: Watch the selected movie(s)* with the provided conversation guide. The featured movies to spark conversations include Inside Out, Perks of Being a Wallflower, It's Kind of a Funny Story, Silver Linings Playbook, and A Beautiful Mind. *CNS Healthcare does not endorse or hold responsibility for the content of the suggested movies. Step three: Attend one (or all) of our virtual conversations featuring local mental health experts. These concise virtual events will provide viewers valuable mental health, crisis, and suicide prevention information. Viewers will also be able to ask live questions to the panel of local health professionals. Sessions include July 21, 7pm-8pm: Families with children; July 28, 7pm-8pm: Families with teens; August 4, 7pm-8pm: Adults. Register at https://www.cnshealthcare.org/news-and-calendar/ For more information about the event or suicide prevention efforts at CNS Healthcare please contact suicideprevention@cnshealthcare.org or call 248-409-4112. ###