Beauty supply store shoplifter teams up with teen helper

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A young shoplifter hits a beauty supply shop, in Detroit, but she wasn't alone with young children possibly helping.

At the bottom screen the woman and the teen girl wearing pink are seen on surveillance video. The woman tells the girl to keep her coat off. We soon find out why.

They head for a braiding hair display at JJ Beauty Supply on Warren at Connor on Detroit's east side.

In the surveillance video captures the woman is stuffing 10 of the $10 hair pieces inside the teen's rolled up coat. A little boy can be seen beside the two.

Management has seen and spoken to the woman, teen and boy in the store before.

In this instance, after about 15 minutes, the teen with the hair braidings under her coat stops near the door and when the woman says let's go, the girl walks out with the woman behind.

The girl heads toward the gray sedan the three arrived in, earlier on the security video.

Employees were not sure of the shoplifting until the hair triggers the store sensor at the door.

An employee hearing the alarm comes to check it out, but he was body blocked by the woman. She asks 'Why are you (bothering) me?' 

The employee eventually steps outside but sees no one. The owner of JJ Beauty Supply believes she was hiding outside.

The owner of JJ BEAUTY Supply did not want to be seen on camera, she's worried for the teen and the little boy.

"I have a kid and it is so sad," she said. "It is not a money issue, it is so sad."