Detroit will end daily trash pickups for storm debris next week - What residents should know

September 3rd this the final day that the city of Detroit will make daily trash pickups in flood areas, for storm debris removal.

Detroit has picked up over 60 million pounds of storm-related trash from flooded homes, alongside branches, construction debris, and more. 

"Our crews have been out for the last two months circulating through flood-impacted areas on a daily basis," said Superintendent of Solid Waste Doug Collins. "We want people to understand DPW is committed to keeping Detroit clean".

Flood-damaged possessions and destroyed items can be a danger to one's health. 

Residents should place storm and flood-damaged items on the curb in a neatly organized pile to make the process quick for trash collectors. 

How to get as much debris out as you can:

  • Bulk items should be no more than 1,000 pounds and not exceed two cubic yards in volume
  • All items must be dragged to the curbside of the residence they were removed from and NOT to any other location.
  • If you have items after September 3rd, call: (313) 876-0004
  • All doors must be removed from appliances prior to setting them out for collection.
  • Construction debris, household hazardous waste, flammables, explosives, paint, batteries, fuels, oil, tires, car parts, needles, radioactive materials, and chemicals are not considered bulk items.

Crews are not currently taking normal household bulk, Only storm-related items

Biweekly pickups will resume on Sept. 4.  

Visit: for more information.

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