Detroit woman to share her story of perseverance at Democratic National Convention
A Detroit woman with an incredible story of perseverance will get a chance to address the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on the same day Hillary Clinton will accept her party's nomination.
"It's embarrassing to be 50 years old and have to live in poverty," Ivey said.
But Henrietta Ivey was not too embarrassed or proud to approach Hillary Clinton and share her struggle last June.
The lifetime Detroiter, and dedicated home-care worker told Clinton she makes $8.50 an hour and can barely pay her bills or take care of her family.
FOX 2: "What was her reaction when you talked to her?"
"Oh my God she was amazing," Ivey said. "I could see right at that point, that she understood where I was coming from."
So much that next Thursday in Philadelphia Ivey will stand in front of millions at the Democratic National Convention the same day Clinton is expected to formally accept the presidential nomination. Ivey will tell her story of survival.
"My day to day is taking care of my patients, going to my second job, then taking care of my patients and going to my second job," she said. "And then my family."
FOX 2: "How many hours do you work a week?"
"If I put both jobs together, over 100 hours per week," she said.
Ivey says each month after paying her bills she has roughly $200 left over to feed her and her family.
"Nobody should have to struggle to decide on what bills should be paid or if they're going put food on their table."
FOX 2: "Do you feel like you're treading water?"
" A lot of times I do," she said. "I do. Just to stay above. Just to keep my head up."
Ivey says next Thursday a day the DNC committee is titling "Stronger Together," she plans to focus on the "Fight for 15" -- raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
"It needs to happen for working class Americans all over the place," she said. "It needs to happen.
"These are no longer teenage jobs anymore. These are people who are coming out of college, coming out of retirement, these are people taking care of families."
Feeling honored and ironically, speechless a week before her scheduled speech, Ivey is thankful others going through the same struggle will be able to hear hers.
"The richest country in the world shouldn't have these citizens living in poverty," she said. "I hope, and I pray, that this message gets out there."