Farmington Special Olympics ski team in dire need of funding
(WJBK) - They are Special Olympians - ready to ski but sidelined for the season.
Team Farmington Special Olympics is in dire need of funding for some very special athletes.
"I ski and it's fun, it's a fun sport - I enjoy doing it," said Shannon McKee.
"I do snow boarding, I just love it," Brandon Jones said.
Shannon and Brandon are just two of the 35 members of the Team Farmington Special Olympics ski team - a squad that's been competing for 33 years - until now.
"We're not able to ski this year," said Steve Miles, ski coach. "These athletes don't get a chance to practice, they don't get a chance to race - they don't get a chance to compete in the county games or the state special olympics."
A fundraiser that usually contributed tens of thousands of dollars is no longer available - a big blow to Team Farmington - which has 12 sports and 200 athletes. The ski team is the first to be sidelined by the loss of funding.
"This year is a scratch - we could lose next year and succeeding years if we don't get our donation levels back up," Miles said. "We probably are going to be short $20,000 to $30,000 dollars this year because of things that have been happening so we need help."
As Coach Steve Miles searches for new ways to raise money to support these special olympians - they're asking for donations to keep these athletes active and engaged in a sport they love.
"It's amazing," said Rebecca Pouliot. "It is a dream come true - we do get that chances every four years to go to worlds or nationals for skiing for Special Olympics.
"Me getting involved in Special Olympics has opened a lot of doors for me and I would hate to see this program go downhill for Team Farmington so please help us if you can."
If you would like to donate, you can mail it to Team Farmington Special Olympics, 32264 W. 12 mile Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48334.
Learn more by going to their Facebook page HERE.