Study found less cancer in those who eat organic foods
(WJBK) - To buy organic or not? That is the question -- and now researchers say they have your answer.
We've all heard about the benefits of eating organic food when it comes to a healthy diet. A new French study followed about 70,000 adults, mostly women, for five years and found those who were eating mostly organic foods had 25 percent fewer cancers than those who never ate organic.
"What they found was that in patients who ate mostly organic foods, there were less cancers - specifically post-menopausal breast cancer and lymphoma," explained Dr. Dale Shepard from the Cleveland Clinic. Yes, that's a lower risk of post-menopausal breast cancers, lymphomas, skin cancers and colorectal cancers.
Dr. Shepard points out that people who eat organic foods al so have the tendency to eat healthier diets and exercise more, which are also traits that have been associated with reduced cancer risk.
He says that while it's difficult to say at this point that eating organic is directly associated with a reduction in cancer risk, it's always good to think of ways we can try to prevent cancers, whether it's through more screening or improving our lifestyle habits.
Dr. Shepard says that eating a heart-healthy diet, whether specifically organic or not, is beneficial for reducing our risk of all cancers.
"In general, we know that healthier diets are better for you from cancer risk. So, anytime people can incorporate more fruits and vegetables, minimize processed foods, the better," says Dr. Shepard.
Let's say you want to buy some organic foods, but which ones? The environmental working group a nonprofit organization releases an annual list of the dirty dozen, the list of foods with the highest amounts of pesticides.
Those are: strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, pears, tomatoes, celery, potatoes, and sweet bell peppers.
For the entire list and more information, go to