Worst time to travel in Detroit area during the holidays

With a record number of travelers expected to head out this holiday, AAA is recommending a specific time frame to avoid in the Detroit area.

According to AAA, the worst time to travel in the Motor City area is from 3 - 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 21. They say a trip would take 1.5 times the amount of time it would normally take.

AAA says part of the reason is there will be an increase in travelers of all types this year: 

  • Automobiles: 97.4 million - a 3 percent increase
  • Airplanes: 6.4 million - a 4.1 percent increase
  • Trains, buses, rails and cruise ships: 3.6 million - a 2.2 percent increase

As for other travel stats, those hitting the road will be met with the highest year-end gas prices since 2014, with a national average at $2.47. Car rentals are also increasing this year - setting a new 5-year record high at $74, which is an 11 percent increase. However, holiday airfares are 20 percent lower than last year. 

And the top 10 holiday travel destinations:

  • Orlando, Fla.
  • Anaheim, Calif.
  • Cancun, Mexico
  • Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Kahului (Maui), Hawaii
  • Montego Bay, Jamaica
  • Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
  • Miami, Fla.
  • Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
  • New York, N.Y.