FOX Bet Super 6 'Stack The Cash': How to play, how it works, more

What's better than winning loads of cash absolutely for free while watching your favorite sporting events? Inviting your friends to play along – and making it so you all have a chance to get even richer in the process!
Welcome to the FOX Bet Super 6 "Stack The Cash" promotion, where the grand prize rises higher and higher as more and more people enter the competition. That's right: The more people who enter the contest, the more money gets added to the winning jackpot.
It all starts with this week's College Football Pick 6 game, which you can enter absolutely for free for your shot at a growing jackpot that started at $25,000 and, as of this writing, had risen to just shy of $100,000!
That means that you, your family and friends can help move the jackpot to six figures just by signing up and spreading the word. Download the FOX Bet Super 6 app now (if you haven't already), then find your way to the "Stack The Cash" College Football Pick 6 and make your picks on which team will win and by how many points in six of Saturday's top college football games.
Still wondering just what FOX Bet Super 6 is? Let us explain:
FOX Bet Super 6 is a free-to-play game in which you are asked to answer six questions about an NFL weekend, an MLB game, a NASCAR race, and sometimes, even quizzes about pop culture and current events!
If you get all six questions right, congratulations! You're a grand-prize winner. Previous contests have given away millions of dollars in cash as well as some pretty awesome prizes, like a brand new Ford truck and a Camping World RV! FOX Bet Super 6 is always free to play, with real-money prizes for the winners.
And while FOX Bet Super 6 is not gambling, keen-eyed fans will notice it does emulate the experience of picking "against the spread" on a college football Saturday or trying to figure out which driver might pull off an upset in a NASCAR race.
Let's take football, for example. You might have heard people talking about the "point spread" before. Well, all a point spread actually represents is how many points the favored team will win by.
That's it! If the point spread is 3, sports gamblers are predicting whether they think the better team will win by more than 3 points. If so, they bet on the favorite. If not, they bet on the underdog.
FOX Bet Super 6 takes that gambling vernacular out of the equation and streamlines the questions for you, no matter how familiar or unfamiliar you are with betting. With FOX Bet Super 6, you're merely predicting how many points you think a certain team will win by – but you can easily see the similarities.
If you've played FOX Bet Super 6 before, make sure you update your app! The FOX Bet Super 6 product is new and improved for this football season, with a redesigned lobby, a scores page featuring odds for the top games in sports, the ability to filter between contests you've entered and those you haven't, the ability to compete against your friends and much more!
It's all in the FOX Bet Super 6 app! Download and start playing today.
No purchase necessary. Open to legal residents of the US, excluding WA. 18 and older. See terms and conditions at Sponsored by TSG Interactive US Services Limited.