Give your big kids a 'boost'

Every 14 seconds, someone is injured in a car accident. So, consequently, car accidents are the number one cause of death in children.

The correct use of car seats can reduce a child's risk of death or injury. In Michigan, children must be in an appropriate car seat until they are age 8 or 4 feet 9 inches tall - it's the law!

Safety Experts recommend - Do not remove your child from a booster seat until they are 4 feet 9 inches tall (no matter their age). It's important to make sure the seat belt fits them correctly and that won't happen until they are 4'9 tall. 

Children need to be AT LEAST 4 years old to ride on a booster. If you child still fits in their harness seat, that is always safest!

Select a car seat appropriate for his/her age, weight and height.

Let your big kid go shopping with you to pick out a Booster that they will enjoy riding on.

All children under 13 years old should stay IN THE BACK!

For more info on the Kohl's Injury Prevention Program,