Community rallies around teen stricken with cancer
His friends learned Wednesday Gage may only have a week to live.
So they've decided to redeem what little time Gage has to left to show him how much they care.
Sydney Hodge says of Gage, "he always made me feel like I needed to be positive no matter what, it was something that was like better for him. He just wanted to see his friends happy no matter what he was going through."
So his friends, his classmates and his community are rallying around Gage.
They have raised more than eleven thousand dollars for his family in one day and they're working to Gage an opportunity to meet Eminem.
Sunday at Noon they're meeting at Bolden Park in Rochester and they're going to paint about 200 cars yellow which is Gage's favorite color and they're going to paint the hash-tag Garmo strong. They're going to take that convoy of cars past Gage's house then hold a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings located at 1234 Walton Boulevard.
Go Fund Me page for Gage: