Disabled veteran needs home repairs in new Redford home
Disabled veteran needs help with home repairs
The railing is rusted out. The problem is, he’s on a fixed income and could really use some help.
REDFORD TWP., Mich. (FOX 2) - Sixty-nine-year-old Herman McClain is a veteran — and proudly served his country right after the Vietnam War.
"They sent me to Fort Bragg for 82nd Airborne, and I’m not 82nd Airborne so they got my orders mixed up and stayed there for awhile, I kept telling them I’m not 82nd Airborne, I don’t jump out of planes."
Thankfully — he didn't have to jump out of a plane. Flash forward to the present — he and his husband George just bought their first house in Redford Township.
But there’s a major problem — this rusted railing. Herman and George have disabilities — and need canes to get around.
"I’m hoping I don’t fall, that’s my main thing," he said. "I pray I don’t fall going up or going down."
The railing is rusted out. The problem is, he’s on a fixed income and could really use some help.
"It’s very scary, you don’t know what’s gonna happen," he said. "We thought that would be taken care of after we got the house.":
But it wasn't. He says the home inspector found problems in the garage and those got fixed — however this rusty railing and a bad leak in the basement — are major problems a fixed income just can’t fix.
"Would you please, if you can, give us a hand," he said. "We can’t do it, we’re disabled. God knows we would do it if we could, but I can’t."
If you know how Herman McClain