Expert: No evidence Dent was on drugs during beating

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Prosecutors wrapped up their arguments against the ex-Inkster police officer caught on dash cam beating Floyd Dent.

On Monday, the defense presented its case against William Melendez.

Michigan State Police's Jennifer Wilson read the results of Floyd Dent's blood tests in court Monday. She is the toxicology expert with Michigan State Police.

Attorney:  "Was there any indication Mr. Dent was under the influence when that blood was drawn?"

Wilson: "No."

Attorney: "Was Mr. Albertson able to make a determination as the the amount of alcohol in Mr. Dent's blood?"

Wilson: "Yes."

Attorney: "What was that determination?"

Wilson: "It was 0.000%."

Melendez is charged with strangulation, assault and misconduct in office. Prosecutors say Melendez hit Dent in the head sixteen times and choked him during a traffic stop. They are also accusing Melendez of planting drugs in Dent's car.

Showing the area of the traffic stop, on Michigan Avenue near Beech Daly, Dent says he dropped off beer and liquor to a long-time friend, Amy Williams, just before.

Attorney: "When he gives you the alcohol, do you and Mr. Dent share any of the alcohol?"

Williams: "No."

The defense argues that Williams was drunk and can't remember details of their encounter. They accused Dent of being under the influence as well.

Attorney: "Were his eyes glassy?

Williams: "No Sir."

Attorney: "Was he agitated?"

Williams: "No."

Attorney: "Did you smell any alcohol on him?"

Williams: "No."

The defense also referenced a urine sample taken when Dent was treated at Garden City Hospital, which results show tested positive for cocaine.

Wilson: "I tested the blood that was taken at 3:59, and it was negative."

The defense also argued that too much time, just over six hours, had passed before Dent's blood was taken.

After the prosecution concluded their arguments and the jury left the room, the defense asked for all charges to be dismissed.

Judge Vonda Evans denied the defense's request to dismiss those charges as the first witness for the defense, former Chief of Inkster Police Vicki Yost, was called.

Attorney: "Was that a choke hold?"

Yost: "No, it was not."

Attorney: "How long, if you know, was it that Mr. Dent struggled with them before he was actually subdued?"

Yost: "I believe it was a minute and thirty-one seconds."

The defense argues reasonable and necessary force was used.

Attorney: "What is the difference between a head restraint and a choke hold?"

Yost: "A choke hold would have been under the chin and trying to cut off the airway or the blood supply. A head restraint is normally not under one's neck, it's across the chin."