Furnaces stolen from Habitat for Humanity homes

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Thieves break into three houses and steal the furnaces - but these weren't just any homes, they were from Habitat for Humanity homes.

Habit for Humanity spokespeople say the thieves had the same m.o. in each incident - kick in the door and steal the furnace and hot water heaters.

"This isn't something that happens every day, we are very concerned we believe this may be some kind of ring or something," said Helen Hicks, Habitat for Humanity.

The break-ins happened in Eastpointe on Sunday on Collinson, Cushing and Tuscany streets near Nine Mile and Gratiot.

"Stealing from people is unacceptable," said Kaelon Stephons, a neighbor. "If people see something, they need to speak up about that."

Luckily no one lives in the habitat homes yet and donations are already pouring...

"The very first party to call was Randazzo Heating and Cooling," said Hicks. "And Mr. Randazzo has offered to replace all three furnaces and hot water tanks."

And $5,000 donations each from Consumers Energy and the Macomb County Prosecutors Office.

"These people have hearts as big as the houses that were broken into," Hicks said. "Yes it's bad, but there is a lot of good out there as well this holiday season."