'Humans of New York' highlighting Macomb County

Photo from HONY's Facebook page 

The social photography blog 'Humans of New York' is in Michigan! Macomb County, to be exact.

'Humans of New York' is a project photographer Brandon Stanton started in 2010, with his goal being to photograph thousands of New Yorkers and share their stories. His project has grown to have millions of followers on Facebook and Instagram.

Stanton's format is to post one picture of the interview subject, alongside a quote from their interview. Sometimes they're short and funny; other times the quotes are long and poignant.

Stanton has also branched out to include people and stories outside of New York. His work includes a series with refugees and a series with inmates, to name a few. His latest series, though, is based right here in Michigan.

'Humans of New York' posted this week that it has been speaking to residents in Macomb County, and will be featuring photographs and stories from the people there in the next few weeks.

You can see the blog's first post from Macomb County here.

So, why Macomb County?

"A northern suburb of Detroit, the county is largely ‘blue collar’ and its economy is heavily dependent upon the auto industry. Last week Macomb County voted decisively for Donald Trump. It was the first time in almost thirty years that a Republican presidential candidate has carried Macomb. Many pundits have pointed to this shift as representative of a greater movement among America’s white working class." the post says.

"I didn’t ask anyone who they voted for. Very few of the stories even touch on politics. And while the series cannot presume to be representative of an entire region, hopefully it will introduce you to a few of the people who live there," the post continues.

Haven't heard of 'Humans of New York'? (It's also sometimes referred to as HONY for short.)

You can check out its Facebook page here, and Instagram page here to follow along with the Macomb County series.

You can learn more, too, at www.humansofnewyork.com.