Livonia 10-year-old gets letter from President Donald Trump

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Not many 10-year-olds are as politically savvy as Lilyana Quiroga of Livonia.

She's met Vice President Mike Pence: "It was amazing. It was so much fun."

But standing on stage with then-GOP candidate Donald Trump at a campaign stop in Sterling Heights was a pivotal moment for the patriotic pre-teen.

"When I went on stage with him, I felt I had a voice," she said. "Actually make a change for kids and have something to stand for."

Inspired, last month she put a package together for the president - a canvas of them together on stage from the campaign stop, her report card and resume.

"I sent it because I want kids to have a voice and I wanted them to know what I stood for," she said.

She also talked about her new organization she's trying to launch.

"It's called Patriot Children for America, it's for children from 8 to 18," she said. "It is to help them know about American values and rights."

"I am really proud, it almost brings a tear to my eye," said mom, Melissa Quiroga. "She is so involved with everything, she is kind. I think if any kid has any opportunity, it should be her."

About a month would pass and then ...

"It was so amazing," Lilyana. "I was like (gasps), I thought I was going to cry."

She received a personally signed letter and picture from the president of the United States.

"'Dear Lilyana thank you for writing, I enjoyed learning about you. I can tell from the letter you are confident and bright young women,'" she read from the letter. "'I am returning the canvas to you with hope it will inspire you to look for ways to serve those in need in your community. Each of us have God-given talents that we can use to serve others. If all of us seek to lift up those around us, it will solve many of the challenges we face in the nation, together. We truly can do anything. 

"'With best wishes, Donald Trump.'"

Her mom recorded the special moment - and posted it on Facebook - which has since been spread across the world wide web.

"Wonderful, it was really kind," Lilyana said. "Everyone was wishing best wishes and everyone is being really nice about it."

Lilyana hopes to meet the president in person one day.

In the meantime, she will continue studying hard, volunteering and even making slime like most kids her age.

But remember her name - because Lilyana  Quiroga hopes to be the first female Latina president one day.

Although she considers herself a conservative, Lilyana says it is not about being a Republican or a Democrat, it is about being aware and having a voice and starting young.