Local women's business council awarded $400K grant from JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase investing $150 million in the Motor City's economic recovery.

It's an investment that gave the Great Lakes Women's Business Council a nearly $400,000 grant. James Davis of the council says it's an investment in a program that allows the council to help other businesses.

"It accelerates the growth of small businesses that are based in Detroit," he said.

Davis says the Detroit Business Growth Initiative entails classroom training sessions, one-on-one coaching, networkin gopportunities and invitiations to exclusive events.

Davis spoke about the program at the Women's Business Enterprise National Council's 19th national conference and business fair which is taking place at Cobo Center in Detroit.

He believes that businesses owned and led by women can help Detroit thrive.

"We came into this grant and able to offer this program for free because of JP Morgan Chase." he said.

Visit www.jpmorganchase/Detroit for more information.