Operation Christmas Child sends shoeboxes of gifts to children in need around the world

Every year a program known as Operation Christmas Child sends shoeboxes filled with gifts to children in need, around the world.

One recipient is sharing his story and showing how you can get involved.

"I'm from Uganda, one of the poorest countries in the whole world," said Bonny Kibuuka. "I grew up in a very poor family where my dad couldn't even afford to have the smallest needs in the house like salt, soap."

"This one day they told us was a special day for us at the school and we all wondered what kind of special day it was, because for us, every day was the same. They said we were going to receive gifts. All of us at the school were receiving gifts for the very first time. We never received gifts for birthdays, we didn't even know you receive gifts for Christmas until I came to America."

"Operation Christmas Child is a project under Samaritan's Purse where churches, families and community groups can pack a shoebox and fill it with personal hygiene items, small toys, school supplies," said Suzie Aheimer.

Kibuuka said he still remembers the countdown to open the box, which, although it started at three, may as well have started at 1,000 due to the anticipation.

"I remember in my shoebox I had a plastic toy camera, that I grabbed out of there," he said. "I was pretending like I was taking pictures of my friends around me. My friends were smiling, I was smiling and I felt like my smile went all the way to my ear."

Kibuuka says that something so little as a wash cloth can make all the difference.

"You don't have to have a lot of money for these gifts - even the smallest gift you can put in there. Nobody knew that a sticker would impact my life and change a child's life. Money shouldn't be a problem, God uses those smallest gifts from the shoebox to impact the child's life.

"Anything that God puts in your heart whether it's for $1, $2, will change a child's life and the kid will be happy because these kids don't receive anything in those countries."

Operation Christmas Child Collection Week is November 18-25. You can find your nearest shoebox drop off location HERE.

If you would like to donate - but can't, or don't have time to pack a shoebox, you can donate to Operation Christmas Child and the box will be made for you.

To learn more about Operation Christmas Child, go HERE.

Bonny Kibuuka, originally from Uganda, talks about the importance of Operation Christmas Child.

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