Pro-rape meeting planned for Ann Arbor canceled after backlash

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A disturbing movement gone viral as a "pro-rape" group has planned meetings in cities all over the world this weekend, including several in metro Detroit.

Across 165 locations in 43 country, men who were part of an online group were planning on meeting to pick up women. The group of men advocated for the "right to rape women" on private property and came under pressure from the public to cancel the secret meetings planned for Saturday night.

One of those locations was a business corridor in Ann Arbor called Nickles Arcade.

The group is run by Roosh V., who runs the website Return of Kings. On their webite, men were asked to meet at these locations, and talk in code to find other members, and then be taken to a secret location to discuss how to pick up women.

"We were sent emails that were saying (to) be careful this is happening at this time, at this place, avoid this location," Emily Richner said.

Why were the meetings canceled? Roosh wrote "I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on February 6, especially since most of the meet-ups can not be made private in time. While I can't stop men who want to continue meeting in private groups, there will be no official Return Of Kings meet-ups."

"I thought, 'great, it's in the Arcade' and none of us want to deal with these kind of people but very happy to hear it's been cancelled," Tiffay Royal, who owns Arcade Barbers, said.

Once word got out about the meetings supporting the rape of women, and anti-feminism, UofM students planned a protest for the same time and location. The protest is still expected to happen on Saturday.