U-Mich ranked behind only Princeton in list of top colleges for value

The University of Michigan has been named one of the top colleges in America, beating out the likes of Harvard, Stanford, and MIT for the second best college in the nation, according to Time Money.

Time Money ranked the top colleges in country by combing through roughly 2,000 four-year institutions. From that large number, they screened out schools with graduation rates below the median, financial difficulties, or fewer than 500 undergraduates. That got the list to 750.

From there, they were ranked in three categories: educational quality, affordability and alumni success. Plus, they measured comparative value by assessing how well students at the schools did against what is expected for students with similar economic and academic backgrounds, and the college’s mix of majors.

What they found, landed the school almost at the top.

With tuition of $28,100 without aid for the 2016-17 school year, it's less than half of the two schools its sandwiched between: Princeton (1) and Harvard (3).

See the full rankings on Time's website by clicking HERE and learn more about the methodology HERE.