Watch out Whiteclaw, a new spiked seltzer from Detroit's Atwater brewery is on the market
(FOX 2) - Like it or not, the canned cocktail is here to stay.
Sealed behind aluminum is the spiked seltzer that every millennial has dreamed about, but just didn't know they needed - until this summer.
If you've largely avoided the heat and record-setting lake levels, you could be forgiven for not noticing the new cylinder ubiquitously in the hands of 20 and 30-somethings. The most popular drink taking up that market is Whiteclaw.
Rather than reject this notion as a mere fad however, Michigan's craft business is diving headfirst into the industry. On Thursday, Detroit's Atwater Brewery will release its own spiked seltzer.
"What we did was study the market, looked at trends and what customers wanted and worked on it for eight months," said Mark Rieth, owner of the brewery. "Finally we came to a spot where we liked, it tastes great, we wanted to do something with our name too."
Rieth is referring to the 'Water' in Atwater when brewing the new spiked seltzer.
The 12-oz cans will feature three flavors: cherry, lime and mango.
"We're trying to capitalize on the local scene because Whiteclaw and Truly - the sales are absolutely out of control," Rieth said.
He's not wrong either.
According to data from Nielsen, the new hard beverage has taken a large chunk of the market from breweries. In just the last four weeks, sales for hard-seltzers have grown by 164.3 percent, and 200 percent over the past year. Eating up half of that market share is Whiteclaw, which is owned by the private company that also owns Mike's Hard Lemonade.
"We try to respond to the lifestyle, gluten free, 100 calories, sugar-free - it's what consumers are looking for," Rieth said. "Those are things we always look to do so it fits within the philosophy of the brand."
You can get your first taste of the new drink Thursday at a launch party at the breweries downtown location at 237 Jos Campau in Detroit. Offerings will be available at 5 p.m..