Ypsilanti officer involved in crash after alarm call cancelled
Ypsilanti Police are investigating after one of their own collided with another car after being called off a robbery alarm.
Business owner Dave Heikkinen was there when it happened outside his business Thursday in Downtown Ypsilanti.
Investigators say Ypsilanti Police officers were responding to a hold up alarm at a business on East Michigan in Ypsilanti. The call was cancelled and officers were called off the run.
One of the police officers responding was approaching the Washington Street intersection. That's when police say a driver in a 2001 Nissan started making a left hand turn and came into the path of the lead patrol car.
"She had the green light she had the right away it's very visible on the video," Heikkinen said.
Police say once the two cars collided, the force sent both cars to land on a sidewalk near Heikkinen's business.
"She came and landed hit right here. She was really lucky," Heikkinen
Ypsilanti's City Manager Ralph Lange was attending an event nearby when he heard the crash. Once he saw an officer was involved he went to check her condition
"Her foot was jammed in and I know it's broken but I don't know how badly it's broken. (She also) injured her shoulder when it hit the airbag," Lange said.
Investigators say the 26-year-old driver of theNissan suffered a possible head injury. They also say the incident is being investigated by Michigan State Police.
The officer involved has been in law enforcement for 6 years and has been with Ypsilanti Police for a year and a half
"I'm very proud of police department this could have been much worse," Lange said.