DGG's FashionSpeak Oct. 15

DGG's FashionSpeak, Michigan's only conference for the fashion industry, is Thursday, October 15, 2015 at the historic and modern One Woodward building. Presented by Taubman, this one-day conference brings together nationally recognized experts in five fields crucial to the success of the fashion industry; each conducting a 70-minute workshop, all centered around the business of fashion. There is a vast amount of talent in Michigan's fashion industry, and DGG is poised to bolster education, provide resources and promote the successes of those in this segment.

This year's lineup is: Keynote Speaker: Fashion Designer Kevan Hall; Apparel Production Expert Kristen Deryck - "Production 101: How To Get from Idea To I Did It"; Buying Expert and Retail Consultant Roslyn Karamoko - "Career Discovery: Buyer"; VP Commercial Banking division of FirstMerit Bank Kim Banat - "Money: How To Get It, What To Do with It, How To Make More of It"; Director, Strategic Communications Maria Mainville, Group Director of Specialty Leasing Lori McGhee, and Leasing Agents Jon Schey and Emily Taucher of Taubman - "What Does It Really Take To Open a Store?".

DGG's conference mission is "Keep Michigan Talent in Michigan". That goal is achieved by giving both students and professionals the tools, education and resources to be better business owners. The first conference, which took place October 2013 at the M@dison building in Detroit, quickly sold out, with more than 200 people in attendance. Last year's event at One Woodward brought a sell-out crowd of 225 attendees. This year, another 25 chairs will be added at One Woodward to allow for 250 available tickets.
Attendees receive top-notch education, insight and advice during the workshops. Continental breakfast and lunch is served, and attendees can later mix and mingle with the experts at the complimentary Thank You Cocktail Reception immediately following the conference. Attendees include fashion and accessories designers, photographers, bloggers, wardrobe stylists, fashion retailers, students and more.

Tickets for this one-day educational event are currently on sale and can be purchased for $40 at fashionspeak2015.eventbrite.com.