High School student delivers blankets, warm wishes to hospitalized children

A simple gift  helped to inspire a Waterford Kettering High School senior to complete a project of kindness and generosity.

Jessica Ludlow remembers receiving a handmade blanket while she spent Christmas morning in a hospital bed when she was a child.  She credits that blanket with helping her recover.
So in August of last year, Ludlow decided to repay that act of kindness -- and she did in a very big way.

Just before Christmas, she delivered 78 fleece-tied blankets to the children's unit at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak.  She held two bottle and can drives and organized other fundraisers. People who heard about the project donated money. In all, she raised about $800 to make the blankets.

She started tying the blankets by herself, completing 30. Then she decided to enlist the help of her student leadership class to make her goal of completing the project before Christmas. Her selfless act has earned her the title of Amy's angel.  You can watch above to see how she made the blankets.