Covid case surge and usual winter illnesses are taking toll on hospitals, says doctor

In Michigan, the Covid numbers are going in the wrong direction. Hospitalizations are rising while hospital staff numbers are shrinking. 
That has doctors at Royal Oak Beaumont pleading for help as the pandemic has combined with typical winter illnesses taking a toll.

"When you combine the two that puts a great strain on the resources that we have," said Dr. Paul Bozyk, pulmonary and critical care. "We are feeling the impact of an ever-growing number of Covid patients on top of an ill Michigan community that needs our hospital’s services. When you combine the two. it is a great strain on the resources that we have."

On Monday Michigan saw a record number of Covid hospitalizations. According to U of M, Michigan Medicine, 4,404 people were admitted to hospitals across the state. 

That tops the previous record-breaking number of patients by 39, back on April 8, 2020. These are patients who need treatment and qualified professionals to treat them.

"We’re ready for anyone who is willing to roll up their sleeves to come do so," said Dr. Bozyk.

Just last week the Department of Defense brought in 20 healthcare workers to Beaumont Dearborn. Twenty more were sent to Grand Rapids. Clearly more is needed. 
"If it’s 20 we are thankful for it. We can also use the assistance of anyone in the community," he said. "These few years have been hard, people have left healthcare for one reason or another. If there is a desire to help save a life, we can use you now."

During the course of the pandemic, elective surgeries were put on hold. What happens if hospital beds are still full?  

"What happens when it is urgent vs emergent? Who has to make that decision, it is very challenging in cases like that," said Dr. Bozyk.

The doctor says it is time for hospitals to get creative when thinking of incentives and to get medical professionals back in hospitals. But he for one, doesn't think hospitals will do away with mandatory vaccinations for hospital employees.. 
He says they will continue to practice what they preach.

"It’s our duty in public health to make sure we do our best to not make anyone ill that comes through our doors," he said.