Dearborn police arrest hit-and-run driver that struck teen exiting bus

Dearborn police have arrested the driver of a blue vehicle responsible for hitting a teen. The teen was taken to the hospital and has since been released.

Police say the suspect was arrested Saturday and his vehicle was impounded.  

Investigators say on Thursday at around 5 pm, the driver of what appears to be an older blue Dodge Durango hit a teen who was crossing on Canterbury at Whittington Street, south of Dix, after getting off the bus on the way home from school.

"It looks like she was running from the ducks, came into the street and then the driver couldn’t hold break fast enough," Hussein said. "So that’s where the crash probably happened."

Hussein lives in the neighborhood and says he didn’t see what happened, but it was caught on tape.

"It was just hit-and-run," he said. "It reversed and just drove right away."

Related: John Glenn High School student injured in Westland hit-and-run; driver in custody

On Friday, a letter was released by the principal at Edsel Ford acknowledging the victim as a student…it reads in part, "There is a video of this horrible accident on social media and I feel it is important to provide additional accurate information.

"On Thursday afternoon, an Edsel Ford student was dropped off in their neighborhood. As the student walked home the student attempted to cross the street and was struck by a car. the car drove away and police are looking for the driver...

"I have personally visited with the student’s family. I share our deepest concerns for their child and i know that all of us here at Edsel Ford are praying for our fellow Thunderbird."

Anyone with information is asked to call Dearborn police at (313) 943-2240.

DearbornCrime and Public Safety