Detroit Police Department's annual softball tournament is a hit

With a crack of a bat, the annual Detroit Police Department Softball Tournament is underway. The reigning champs are the guys from the 2nd Precinct, who sported snazzy jerseys on the sunny Saturday that they went to bat.

"It's all about looks. You come out, you look good - they're already intimidated," said Nelson Robinson, Detroit Police Department (DPD) Detective.

It's all about the fun, cracking jokes and cheering your teammates on in this friendly rivalry -- and sometimes making new friends. "

Many of these officers, we all work the same department, they don't know each other because it's a big city," said Detroit Police Department Chief James Craig.

"We are lot more laid back in this kind of situation where we're hanging out with each other and fairly secluded," said Lt. Mike Dicicco of the DPD 10th precinct.

It's also a time to reflect. This day marks Chief Craig's fourth anniversary also the DPD's top cop.

"This department defines excellent policing," said Chief Craig.

While there's no actual prize for the winning dream, just bragging rights, the men and women of the Detroit Police Department say the memories they're making today are priceless.

"You have something to talk about when you got to work," said Ashley Buccholz of the DPD 6th Precinct. "Like, 'oh, hey,  I saw that hit you missed!' It eases you up a little bit. It's cool. I'm glad we do this."