Detroit's Rides to Care program gives free medical trips for new or expectant mothers

Detroit is launching a free program to get new expectant and new mothers through the first year of giving birth, to-and-from medical appointments.

Anastasia Lewis is one of the participants of the Detroit Health Department’s new Rides to Care program.

"This is good right now to help me not stress out," said Anastasia Lewis. "When she was born I was still using it, because I needed to get to her doctor's appointments. And I don’t drive right now or have a car, so it’s kind of hard."

This new program is for Detroit women who are pregnant, or for any mother, guardian or caregiver living in the City and caring for an infant up to a year old.

The program also helps mothers in need of post-partum care up to one year following birth.

"You get a free ride for all of your doctor and medical visits because you live in Detroit," said Mayor Mike Duggan.

The program was put in motion to save lives, officials say.

"We know that for every 1,000 babies that are born in our city, 14 babies die before their first birthday," said Denise Fair Razo, Chief Public Health Officer.

"And the infant mortality rate for Black infants in Detroit is three times higher than for white infants," said Dr. Lynn Smitherman, Wayne Pediatrics.

City hea;th officials wanted to tap into its general fund and partner with Uber Health which provides non-emergency medical transportation.

"Pregnant moms who miss vital appointments - their prenatal and postpartum appointments - they miss out and they experience adverse health outcomes."

The Rides to Care program is available Monday through Saturday to medical providers in the city or within five miles outside Detroit.

To set up your free ride call 313-876-0000 or go to for details.

Anastasia says this program is just whar she and her baby Skylar need to stay healthy.

"Don’t be ashamed to go and join it because it's actually easy," she said. "And it takes a village to raise a daughter or a son."

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