Dog rescue group 'The KARENS' save pets left out in the freezing weather
DETROIT (FOX 2) - On a snowy morning with wind chills in the teens, FOX 2 joined up on a mission to save canine lives.
By loading up on donated dog houses and bales of straw, we're racing against time and weather. Spurred on by a photo of a lonely dog in the cold - his world reduced to the length of a 30-pound chain around a pole in a deserted field.
Help is on the way in the form of The KARENS.
The backstory:
"So we have everything from bowls to crates to bring dogs in, blankets for inside, dog coats, we have toys, we have bones," said Chantal Rzewnicki.
Two women formed a team using a name with negative connotations, turning it into a positive acronym: K9 Animal Rescue Emergency Networking System.
They spend their spare time saving animals that can't help themselves.

The KARENS: Chantal Rzewnicki, left and Melanie Thomas
"I'm a huge lover of dogs," said Chantal Rzewnick. I worked at animal control for about two years and it's heartbreaking.
"It's heartbreaking to pick up, to peel a dead body, a dead dog off the ground, is sad."
Dig deeper:
We went out to Detroit's east side. The dog in question is nowhere to be seen, but a conversation with the dog's owner gives the KARENS the go-ahead to act.
"Hey Ronnie, I'm the one you talked to yesterday, I'm gonna set one up where your girl was in the yard," said Melanie Thomas.
A new dog house and straw.
"We try to fill it up a good amount," said Rzewnicki.
At the same location, we discover a different dog in bad shape.
"He's definitely on the thin side," said Rzewnicki. "You think we could just drop (the dog house) right next to it?
"I'm going to make him a meal."
Right across the street from our first stop. It is a typical scenario that The KARENS see - an outside dog on a heavy metal chain.
The objective here? Flip out that heavy chain, replace it with a lighter tie-back. Of course, that's up to the dog and the owner.
A neighbor granted permission and The KARENS get to work. "Big Ma" the pup, gets some relief - a lighter chain and a new home.
On to the next stop, where bolder action may be needed.

"If they don't answer the door, what we're going to end up doing is either jumping over the fence with the house or leaning over," she said.
This is Rocco, freezing in a tin shed. Hungry with frozen pillows and blankets for comfort - and another dog owner not home.
A neighbor gives The KARENS access.
Straw, a better shelter, a reassuring pat and small improvements in this dog's life.
The KARENS typically visit 20 to 30 homes just like that one each week. Their final stop on this day, is a follow-up with a grateful pet owner.
"They helped me so much, you just don't know," said Tim Washington. "During the pandemic, we was all off work and they came by. They got houses for the dogs because they had the wooden house and they chewed them apart.
"They're a blessing. They're a real blessing. They came at the right time. They're a big help."
"I'm able to sleep at night," said Melanie Thomas. "We worry about the dogs out here. They don't have anything and sometimes a lot of people are struggling right now.
"It just takes a doghouse, it takes a bale of straw to better that dog's life - and then it gives that owner a new sense of being a pet owner. They don't have to struggle between choosing to feed themselves or their animal. It makes us feel good. It's just a passion that we have."
What you can do:
All of their outreach is done by phone, referrals or just a stray dog they may see while driving around.
Eventually, The KARENS would like to get a building to house dogs who have nowhere to go.
But for now, The KARENS continue their mission to save one dog at a time. If you would like to help, visit their website at or by GOING HERE.
The Source: The information for this story comes from the dog rescue group The KARENS and dog owners they have helped.