Drunk driver that allegedly killed 7-year-old offered shorter sentence in 7-Mile crash

DETROIT (FOX 2) - A drunk driver in November ran a red light on Detroit’s eastside hitting another car, killing 7-year-old Jerome Coleman Junior and causing his 5-year-old sister severe head trauma.
Their father, Jerome Coleman Sr., hit his breaking point in a now viral video after learning what the driver’s penalty might be. Coleman took aim at the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office and a so-called "deal" for his son’s alleged killer.
"Yesterday was just my last straw. I was just overwhelmed with everything and it was just like I exploded," he said.

Big picture view:
Jerome Jr. was killed on Nov. 9 allegedly by thirty-year-old Ahmed Jastta in the white car blowing a red light, drunk behind the wheel, and left the scene at 7 Mile and Mound.
A heart throbbing scene on Jerome's birthday, where there was cake, candles, but no Jerome to celebrate. His father remembers their last conversation when Jr. said he wanted to be an artist.
"He told me he wasn’t that good at drawing and I told him I said was to keep drawing, you’ll get a little better, and he told me when he got home he’d have a picture for me. But, quite obviously, that never happened," said Coleman.
The backstory:
30-year-old Ahmad Jatta of Roseville was the man who police say was behind the wheel of the car that caused the crash.
It is alleged that Jatta left the scene of that crash, went to his house where his mom convinced him to go back and turn himself in. Police say even two hours after the crash the suspect had a blood alcohol level of 0.13.
"The defendant had been drinking vodka driving very fast knowingly disregarded the light that was red for him," said Wayne Co Assistant Prosecutor Lisa Coyle.
After everything, the driver requested what is called a "Cobbs Agreement," a plea deal between the defendant and the judge.
The 36th District Court judge will now sentence Jatta to six years and three months, with up to 15 years behind bars.
"It’s more like I’m going to help the criminal out more than you. The criminals get more help than the victims," said, Coleman.
If the murder charge had stuck, he’d face up to life in prison.
Jerome tells us, after his video went viral, a meeting was set between him and Prosecutor Kym Worthy along with her team.
That’s set for Jan. 29.
The Source: FOX 2 used information from previous stories and spoke with Coleman Senior.
Family of boy killed in alleged drunk driving crash holds vigil one week later
"He was always a safety guy including when he got in the vehicles he would say things like ‘Daddy put on your seatbelt because I don’t want to lose you,’" Jerome Coleman Sr. said of his son, Junior, who was killed last week in a horrific crash.