Expelled state Rep. Gamrat files for old seat

Disgraced former state representative Cindy Gamrat has filed for the seat that she was just expelled from last week.

The Michigan House of Representatives voted to expel Gamrat last week for having an affair with former Representative Todd Courser. She was just the fourth lawmaker ever to have been expelled in Michigan. Courser resigned just an hour before Gamrat was voted out by the House.

A primary election will be held on Nov. 3, 2015, and a general election on March 8, 2016. The deadline to file is Friday, Sept. 18 at 4:00 p.m.

Gamrat represented the 80th district before her expulsion. That's the same seat she will attempt to win in the November primary and March election.

The two were exposed in August when Courser admitted to sending an "outlandish" phony email to GOP activists and others in May claiming he was caught with a male prostitute. The email was intended to make his affair with the 42-year-old Gamrat appear less believable if it were exposed.