High schoolers, Detroit Police team up for Diapers for the D

A group of teens from Bloomfield Hills teaming up with Detroit police to collect 80,000 disposable diapers for families in need in the Motor City.

It's called Diapers for the D and was announced Monday by Detroit Police. The new program aims to help babies who do not get changed as often as they should. The idea was all started by some area high schoolers.

"We realize not a lot of people know about it, and know the consequences of not having diapers, and so we decided to help," Natasha Vasan said.

These Cranbrook and Notre Dame sophomores saw a need within the city of Detroit, then found a way to fill it.

"It's such a small thing, there are so many other things, besides diapers, and it just made me aware so many other things people need help with," Julianna Akins said.

The need for diapers in Detroit is great. Officers often see cases of babies not being changed often enough.

"Health issues occur when a child is left with a diaper on too long, for instancd diaper rashes, and different things like that so it's really serious to have clean diapers on children," DPD officer Tanda Owens.

Between now and COtober 4th, boxes are posted at all 12 of the Detroit police precincts to raise 80,000 diapers and $5,000

The long term goal, is even greater, especially since Detroit has been without a diaper bank for families, for two years.

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