Hundreds of protesters flood Woodward before GOP debate
While the debate is going on inside the Fox Theatre two big protests were going on outside.
A little snow wasn't going to keep these people away, loud, proud and demanding the people who wish to be president hear what they have to say.
Hundreds of protesters flooded Woodward Avenue in front of the FOX Theatre Thursday evening before the debate taking aim at not only the GOP's front runner.
"You want to be my president, act presidential," said Pastor Mo, from the Up Movement.
But the general perception of the Republican Party's platform.
"We reject their economics, their politics, we reject everything that says that Americans that work hard every single day," said another protester.
"Today you need to stand with us and let us know you're for $15 an hour and a union," said Rev. W.J. Rideout from the D15 Campaign.
"We're not asking for them to give us a handout or charity or anything of that nature, we work, we sweat, we want 15 on our checks," said Mya Hill.
Protesters say while Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have been vocal about police brutality, income inequality and more recently the Flint water crisis, Republican candidates have been nearly silent.
"How can you want to be the president of America and you haven't said absolutely anything about the greatest tragedy in an American city like Flint, Michigan," said Rev. Charles Williams of the National Action Network.
FOX 2: "You think they can get their message across to any of the candidates or to the Republican party?"
"You know, we've been trying to get the message across for years," said Ray McLemore, a Republican.
Ray and Andrew McLemore are two black Republicans who say many of these protesters are on to something.
"There are some African-Americans that are Republicans and we've been in those meetings saying you have to come across the table," said Ray McLemore. "You have to come across the line, you have to reach out."
And it doesn't make it any easier when your front runner has trouble disavowing David Duke and the KKK.
"Well I did hear him denounce it earlier," said Andrew McLemore, Jr. "I think he did a very poor job responding on CNN and didn't answer the question properly."
And lastly a message from Rodrigo Padilla to Donald Trump.
Here's your wall.
"Donald Trump, he's crazy," Rodrigo Padilla. "If he's the president, the USA will go down because he's no good. He's nothing good."