Job interview workshop for young men of color summit at Cobo Nov. 14
DETROIT (WJBK) - Local employers are coming together with a big event aimed at helping Detroit's young people find pathways to success.
Former Lions offensive linemen Rob Sims paid a visit at FOX 2 Friday afternoon to talk about Pathways to Success: Boys and Young Men of Color Opportunity Summit.
The event will be Monday. Nov. 14 at Cobo Center and 600 young men ranging from age 16 to 29 will be present. Men who have played for the Detroit Lions such as Sims will be teaching them how to get ready for job interviews.
"This is President Obama's initiative, my brother's keeper how to operate in the work place," said Sims.
There will be workshops focused on building resumes and dressing properly for interviews which includes knowing how to tie a tie.
When I was in college, I learned how to tie a tie by going onto the internet using YouTube as a resource but not every young man is going to take that initiative. Therefore it's a big help to have this kind of event our the city.
"I was blessed to have a father who taught me how to tie a tie when I was younger," Sims said. "But I have encountered grown men in the NFL, 25-30 years old, just don't know. It's not their fault. Maybe there wasn't a father figure in their life, but we need more of that."
Sims will also be telling the young that playing a professional sport is not a means to an end, but more so a stepping stone into the professional world.
"My nine years in the NFL were fun and very fulfilling," he said. "But life does go on so they need to understand that as well," he said.
A lot of companies, local barbers will be present at the day long summit. That means someone could potentially get an interview on the spot which could lead to a job offer.
We'll have a link providing more information about the Summit at
The event is free and doors will be open to the public.