John Kasich in Warren on eve of Detroit debate
WARREN, Mich. (WJBK) - Ohio Gov. John Kasich kicked off a six-day tour of Michigan Wednesday and held a rally in Warren.
"We kind of think we're Czech," Kasich said to the crowd.
Kasich traced his family tree to the Ukrainian Cultural Family Center.
"I was really disappointed when I walked in here that they don't have any sauerkraut pierogies," Kasich quipped.
The GOP candidate spoke to reporters for 30 minutes then took questions.
One person attending the event asked about the private server Hillary Clinton used.
"I never heard of anything like that," Kasich said. "I'm not just saying that just because I want to take a whack at Hillary. How do you have secret documents on something that's located inside of your home?"
Kasich says that one of biggest problems is Americans who can't find a job.
"We know there are three things that matter, jobs, jobs, jobs," he said. "Everything else becomes secondary to that."
Kasich says he sees the country's biggest problem is ISIS.
"ISIS has a radical ideology they need to kill us to get a trip to paradise," he said. "There's is no negotiation, no accommodation, there is no understanding we can make with them.
"So we have to destroy them."
Another person asked what he would do for Israel.
"What would be our immediate goal, get through today," he said. "Is there a permanent peace, absolutely not. It's stability in the region.
"Anybody who thinks there's a hail Mary pass we can throw, this is not Michigan and Ohio State. There's no hail Mary pass that you can throw to solve this problem."
Kasich says he knows he needs to make up ground with voters.
DOX 2 asked if he did make up the ground?
"I like the fact he's willing to support a two-state solution between the Israelis and the Palestinians," said one man.
"He wants to give more powers to the states instead of keeping it at the federal level," said one woman at the event.
Kasich knows he needs to find a spark with voters. He said he'll campaign hard in the hours leading up to the Republican debate. in detroit at the Fox Theatre Thursday night.