Let It Rip: New Michigan adoption law; Defending yourself in Detroit

Part 1: The new Michigan adoption law

Is it legal discrimination or protecting religious freedom?

Gov. Rick Snyder signed a controversial adoption bill into law Thursday. Now agencies that contract with the state can refuse to serve prospective parents like same sex or gay couples - if it would violate the agencies' religious beliefs.

Bethany Christian Services, a faith-based adoption agency, is in favor of the new law - saying it gives agencies the freedom  to be faithful to their convictions. But not everyone supports it.

Our panel

Dr. Monica Miller, Madonna University professor, author and theologian.

Erin Mersino, attorney for the Thomas Moore Law Center 

Dana Nessel, attorney currently involved in the same-sex marriage equality case.

State Sen. David Knezek, (D-Dearborn Heights)

Part 2: Defending Yourself in Detroit

Fighting back against crime in Detroit. You'll hear from residents taking the law into their own hands in very different ways.

Police say crime is down, but citizens are taking the law into their own hands using their own guns and other weapons - even a video camera.

On the panel

Dietta Gueye, resident who used a gun to defend herself during a break-in.

John Pommervile, the "video vigilante" of Brightmoor - he looks for bad guys and puts them on YouTube.

David Mahalab, retired Detroit police sergeant. 

Part 3: On the Road

Charlie Langton asks residents how to change the culture of crime in Detroit.