Now's the time to think politically about 2018

If you are a non-player on the Lansing political scene, you have to be scratching your head when you read about this person or that exploring a possible bid for office in 2018.

2018. Good grief that seems lightyears down the road and in normal terms it is, except in the political world, normal doesn't apply.

Ask State Senator Mike Kowall (R-Oakland County). With ten years under his legislative belt, he'll be out of job in 2018 thanks to term limits, so he is exploring his next move. How about Michigan Secretary of State?

"Yeah, I'm interested. It's worth considering it. I'd be foolish if I didn't look at it."

There's the key word "foolish." If you are going to run for a statewide office, it is foolish to wait until it's too late to get in.

So the jockeying is in full bloom behind the scenes.

West Michigan Republican Senator Tonya Schuitmaker has her eye on state attorney general in 2018. She is also term-limited out of a job.

Former senate Democratic leader Gretchen Whitmer is not about to fade into the woodwork. She's got a private sector lawyer's job but no one would be shocked if and when she announces for governor.

Nobody ever grows up wanting to be lt. governor, so all eyes are on the current L.G. Brian Calley who had a fundraiser the other day leading the know-it-alls in town to all but place his hat in the ring for him.

And there is now even talk, of which there is plenty of in this town, of Gov. Snyder leaving office early, so he could turn the reigns over to Mr. C. who could then run as an incumbent governor which would not make Attorney General Bill Schuette very happy since he wants that job, too.

Isn't this fun?

The general public may not give a hoot, but if you know how the game is played this is no time to twiddle your thumbs.