On tape: Suspect arrested for Westland Kroger assault and robbery

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Westland police put out the call for help catching a robbery suspect who assaulted a Kroger employee - and nearly four hours later they nab their man.

This came as quite a shock to Sharon Reeves - who recognized her neighbor right away.

"They are quiet average everyday people  - or so I thought," Reeves said.

Sharon Reeves always keeps her cell phone close by, so when she saw Westland police - guns drawn - surrounding this apartment in the 33000 block of Alamo, she started rolling.

"Making the entry, one kick, two kicks now in they are inside suspect in the house," Reeves said on the video. "They've got him they've got him."

Only to realize the man they were arresting is the suspect accused of robbing the Westland Kroger on Merriman Sunday.

Police say he even assaulted an employee as he aggressively snatched the money out of the register and then took off running.

"It is frightening to know he would go out and rob a store and harm somebody to do it and I would have never suspected him of doing it"

Wednesday afternoon Westland police asked for the public's help to identify this man caught on surveillance.  Sharon Reeves recognized him right away, he happened to be inside her apartment the day before.

"I was really shocked by that," she said. "Just yesterday he moved a mattress into the living room for us and he had the exact same sweatshirt on that he had on the night he robbed the Kroger."

Police confirmed they have a suspect in custody. and according to Sharon who recorded the entire arrest - it couldn't have gone any better.

"I feel they did an excellent job they didn't harm anyone else around and they didn't harm the young man," Reeves said.