Pontiac's Baldwin Center fears potential closure amid high demand and higher costs

A Pontiac-based nonprofit is worried it may need to shutter its doors amid high demand and even higher costs that continue to creep toward its operations.

But for some, the Baldwin Center is a vital source of affordable food and resources during an increasingly costly time in the U.S. and its closure would only exasperate problems.

Big picture view:

Between the rising cost of food and the dwindling number of donations, times are tough for operating a nonprofit in 2025. 

Between inflation weakening the dollar and surging demand from those who can't keep up, it's places like the Baldwin Center in Pontiac that fill a vital role for people who are in need of help.

These days, however, nonprofits are also struggling.

"We are struggling," said executive director Elizabeth Longley. "Nonprofits nationwide are down about 10% in donations. We have found that we are struggling."

As congregations lose the number attending church, nonprofits have seen their individual donation numbers drop. 

Meanwhile, Longley has seen 50 more people each day they open up over the past six months. Meanwhile, staying open requires tens of thousands of dollars. 

"It cost us $50,000 a month to operate: salaries, utilities, food costs. So, yeah, I mean we’ve cut - since I’ve been we’ve cut over $200,000 out of the budget," said Longley.

Local perspective:

Among those who would be impacted by the center's closure is Gabrielle Richardson. 

She has seen bills rise, the price of groceries climb higher as well, while she has to feed herself and her 2-year-old daughter. On Monday, she was standing outside the Baldwin Center, thankful for what they've provided.

"It’s amazing. It’s helped so much homeless people. And everybody’s trying to get back on their feet," she said.

While the nonprofit has managed to operate for the past decade, it will need more donations to stay open.

"I’ve been here for 10 years and this is a struggle. We are really struggling. So I hate to say that it can’t get any scarier but who knows? I mean it’s an uncertain future," said Longley.

What you can do:

If you'd like to help support the nonprofit, head to baldwincenter.networkforgood.com for more information.

PontiacFood and Drink