Protesting Detroit schools group threaten another large sick-out Thursday

The Detroit Strike to Win Committee is threatening that another large-scale sick out is planned for Thursday.

In a release sent Wednesday evening, activist Heather Miller from the group said that in a phone conference, Detroit Public Schools teachers agreed to another sick out. Miller said that more than 100 teachers from "nearly all DPS schools" participated and agreed to "shut down the schools again."

A meeting planned for Thursday will have union members voting on strike demands including an end to emergency management, no more charter schools, teacher salaries and adequate books and supplies for students among others, according to Steve Conn, former Detroit federation of teachers president in the release.

"The struggle will continue until we have won justice for the people of Detroit," said Conn.

Earlier Wednesday the Detroit Federation of Teachers released a statement saying it is seeking a restraining order and preliminary injunction against the protesting teachers.

Paperwork was filed by interim president Ivy Bailey in court, but no ruling has been made yet.

There have been no announced closures Wednesday night. Stay with FOX 2 for details if and when they become available.