Residents say new Faygo truck route sends them rumbling through neighborhood

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Neighbors are sounding off against a soda company accusing a Faygo facility of blocking off a public street for its own use.

Now that road needs repairing and a new route sending trucks through the neighborhood is causing more friction between the company and nearby community.

"If you have a truck coming through here, and that truck can't stop," said resident Martha Calloway, lived near Faygo for 50 years. "And the truck can't stop, or the truck can't see a kid, there's going to be a bad situation."

The situation is Faygo got an easement, which is permission, from the city to use the road next to its plant on Gratiot and Moran.  The neighbors were upset because they couldn't use that road, but it did keep big trucks out of the neighborhood.

"Now Faygo is routing there trucks down our residential street," said resident Kahlilia Davis.

But now Faygo has the easement blocked off. They say there's a sinkhole there that prevents trucks from going through. And the neighbors are mad once again.

"Those trucks were coming down our streets before the sink hole," Davis said.

The sign says no trucks in the neighborhood.

FOX 2: "You guys know the signs are there and you Faygo truck drivers don't go through the neighborhoods?"

"Absolutely not," said Phil, a driver. "We have a directive from our boss that there would be serious consequences to any driver that does that."

Phil said that photos of red trucks going through the neighborhood were not Faygo because they were unmarked.

So even though Faygo denies it's their trucks in the neighborhood, neighbors still not happy.

"I just know that trucks keep coming and now even more are coming," Davis said. "At 6 or 7 in the morning, we have loud Faygo trucks coming down our residential streets."

And the controversy continues.