Seven-year-old Frisco boy works to help homeless

A seven-year-old Frisco boy who has made it his childhood mission to help the homeless.

Jake Garrett-McCann has been collecting donations for the homeless since he was just 4-years-old.  But the exposure he got on board a Southwest Airlines fight Sunday night, on his way back home to North Texas, has his foundation reaching new heights.

Jake’s efforts, called Jake’s Heart, means he’s taken over his parent's garage.

“I just felt like they needed help so I thought I should start helping them,” Jake said.

Jake was just three years old when the issue got his attention. He and his two moms were approached by a homeless man while vacationing in Austin.

“So when we passed by. Jake asked well why I don't understand why did he ask you for money,” Jennifer McCann said. “And so we tried to explain the best we could to a three-year-old what a homeless person is and it really stuck him.”

Since that day, Jake has become their biggest, little advocate. The first year he collected 2,100 pairs of socks. With help from the community, this holiday season, Jake plans on handing out 1,000 care packages to the homeless.

“It makes me feel good and when they feel sad I feel sad. When they're happy I'm happy. I just like helping people,” Jake said.

Kimber Garrett, Jake’s mother, said she’s “super proud” of her son.

“I mean it's amazing to see him… The curiosity of the kindness and the love the laughter he has every day,”

Jake’s kind soul and infectious smile that caught the attention of a Southwest Airlines flight attendant. The family was coming back from Thanksgiving in Orlando when he noticed Jake's shirt. Moved by Jake's selfless story, the flight attendant got on the intercom and told the packed plane all that "Jake's Heart" does to help others.

“Why don't you all give him a huge round of applause,” the flight attendant said, in a video capturing the moment.

Jake collected $3.75 in donations handing out extra peanuts on the plane.

Jake and his parents will be distributing the care packages about 10 a.m. near The Bridge homeless shelter in Dallas.

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