Sex trafficking forum held in Southfield warning parents of possible dangers
SOUTHFIELD, Mich (WJBK) - A forum was held in Southfield on Wednesday evening discussing the dangers of human trafficking.
It was presented by the National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Detroit Section.
A human trafficking survivor shared her story of a human trafficking ring suspect shot and killed by an undercover FBI task force agent.
The shootout happened at the Marriott on Northwestern Highway in Southfield in January.
The human trafficking survivor, Deborah Monroe, talked about the suspect at the forum. "The first person I had sex with was him and after that it was johns."
Monroe said she was lead into a life of prostitution and cocaine when she was only 13-years-old.
Monroe was a foster child and said she met a 19-year-old boy at the county fair in Jackson and agreed to ride with him to Detroit.
She said she had sex with him and from that point he hired her out to johns for prostitution.
The operation was located inside a motel on Woodward Avenue in Detroit.
"I actually stayed for quite a long time. I ended up in drug abuse and went to jail then he was then arrested. ", said Monroe.
She has advice for parents, "Get involved in your kids activities. Be involved as much as you can because my parents at that time were not involved at all."
Family counselor, Beth Grate, was at the forum in Southfield. She advises parents and teens in Milford of the dangers of human trafficking.
"You have got to be aware of every piece of technology your child is on."